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Please Read If you have a computer with Windows 7 or higher, please extract the Smart Steam 141 Fix.rar at your own risk. The link provided will not work on lower operating systems or older computers. This file was made for educational purposes only and should not be distributed without the consent of the author(s). If you choose to distribute it, it is your responsibility to ensure that no harm comes to those who download it from your personal website - including yourself if you're downloading from this page. Please do not share this version outside of school networks as a solution because I cannot guarantee that there won't be inconsistencies in people's systems or network configurations. Do not send this file to anyone under the age of 18 without the consent of their parents or legal guardian. This is an educational tool; it will not harm your computer in any way. Setup Guide 1. Unzip the files, and read the included "readme" file for details on how to use/setup Smart Steam 141 Fix.rar (this includes what to do if you have Windows 8 or higher). 2. Put your operating system in Compatibility Mode, so that it can run under 32-bit instead of 64-bit mode. (This is only needed for computers with an older version of Windows. 64-bit operating systems will work with the fix.) Compatibility Mode is turned off by default, or can be turned off in Windows 7/8/10 under the "Advanced" settings (System and Maintenance) > "Settings" > "Control Panel". 3. Put your computer in safe mode. If you do not know how to do this, please refer to this guide located on Microsoft's official website: 4. Download these drivers from the "Downloads" section of this page: 5. Run SmartSteam.exe. 6. Download and install [if necessary] the following programs: Screenshots: Screenshots:A.As you can see, this program is really pretty (especially if you like to print out your screens for analysis). It tells you what all of your programs are doing in a nice, clean way. These are the options that you will frequently use in this program- 1) - Advanced Options - here's where to go after checking/unchecking "Use Windows taskbar" and "Show windows from other users". This section can help you skip through windows without waiting for them to open up by pressing the "Tab" button over them. 2) - Advanced Options - after checking "Maintain list of recently opened documents", you can go into the settings menu here. You'll quickly notice that this may be a bit time consuming, even though it's very useful for keeping track of all your programs. 3) - Advanced Options - Here's where to go if you want to change the way the tabs look. If you'd like to have them be vertical or have a background, there are certain other options you need to change too. If you'd rather have the tabs only show up every two or four times you press tab- getting rid of a lot of clutter- just check "Use skin". eccc085e13